Photo by Roberto Nickson on UnsplashThe way most people think of success has a whole lotta struggle and hustle packed into it. All those heavily curated Instagram feeds with their perfect grid patterns and branded color schemes. All those strategic Facebook Lives. All...
Marie Elizabeth Mali
When the Worst Happens, then What?
Photo by nikko macaspac on UnsplashI’ve always been an active person. In my senior high school yearbook, the phrase most associated with me was, “I’m so sore.” I was a dancer and soreness was how I knew I was doing what I loved. When my hips started hurting in my...
Not Your Grandma’s Monogamy
Photo by Everton Vila on UnsplashAfter my divorce, I entered a cliché rebound relationship: heavy on great sex and light on emotional intelligence. Once that relationship ended, I wanted more emotionally nourishing relationships, along with great sex, so I decided to...
Lessons from the Ocean: A Diver’s Guide to Life
Image by the author, Marie-Elizabeth Mali. All rights reserved. In 2018 I celebrated my 800th dive, which got me thinking about what I’ve learned from spending that much time underwater. Here are 9 things the ocean has taught me about life: 1. If you do your...
How To Safely Practice Getting Vulnerable in Your Relationships
Stock image from depositphotosOh, relationships. Somehow, with all your wounds and your parental, societal, religious, and educational conditioning, you’re supposed to magically know how to relate to another person. That person also shows up with their own wounds and...
Follow Your Bliss: Reflections on a Week in the Red Sea and The Power of Myth
Image by the author, Marie-Elizabeth Mali. All rights reserved.Three oceanic whitetip sharks circle our group, turning from diver to diver as they make the rounds about 15 feet under our boat. A group of striped pilot fish scurry to keep up, following each shift of...
Being Nice Can Block You from Having a Great Relationship
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on UnsplashThere’s an epidemic of niceness going on and it needs to stop. Not in politics, certainly, but in the way we’re taught to communicate in dating and relationships, especially if we have a spiritual bent. Though I’m speaking...